Saturday, November 27, 2010

Crafty time!

I long to be a crafty Martha Stewart type. I am always attempting to cook some recipe or recreate an item I saw and thought..."oh I could make that!".  Sometimes it is successful, other times...not so much.  But, it is fun trying. Michael's put out a sweet 30% off coupon for Black Friday and I was there with bells on! Not at some un-Godly hour or anything...we're talking about 11:30 am.  Let me tell you though, unbeknown to me the coupon would expire at noon! I didn't realize this until I overheard some hard core scrap-booking ladies discussion the coupon's fine print in the aisle next to me.  I hustled and grabbed some necessities like a hot glue gun,  pipe cleaners, paint and some "googly-eyes". I was nervously checking the time on my phone because I didn't want my coupon to become VOID! I was in line by 11:50...phew! Of course I was behind "that" woman. She must have waited all flipping year for this magical coupon! Her cart was spilling over the top! What felt like an hour later...then it was my turn.  Now, it is 12:01! Oh the drama! They rang me up and were nice enough to still accept the coupon.  For real though, Michael's cashiers are Nazi's about the free rides there. The woman behind me was sweating profusely and kept talking about her hot flashes and taking mini-tropical vacations all day long.  I quickly left the store because I knew the coupon situation was going to be ugly!

With all my new goodies it was time to create! I had saved some empty baby food jars with the intention of making something with here we go!

 This is the re-creation of my family, notice Baby Doll with the "paci" and the HUZ with the cell phone in hand!
 Another couple with there little son....need to name them still.
 She is my fav! The tranny snow-she-man! She is posing by a upcycled candle spray painted red. I then added black sparkly felt for the belt and painted the belt buckle gold.
Here is another version....
VOILA! Instant festiveness!

Hope you are all enjoying this nice long weekend!
Happy Holidays!

Tuesday, August 24, 2010

1st Birthday Party!

As I announced to my house full of guests at the birthday party..."this is the re-launch of my blog!". So here we go! With hopes to be an Internet sensation we took some outstanding photos of Reese's first birthday party to share with you all. I had a vision and WOULD NOT STOP until it was exactly how I wanted. Most parents pick up a cake at the grocery store, hang some decorations and move on. Nope. Not me. I need to set unattainable and far reaching goals to the point that I am physically and emotionally exhausted. Yep, that's me. I can't help it. It is in my blood to be an over-achiever when it comes to parties. Strangely enough I enjoy the process. The all day build up to the main event! Can you tell I work in the entertainment industry? Please comment and enjoy! Oh and yes I have already reached out to General Mills asking for a reimbursement for the product placement and free advertisements. If nothing else maybe they will send me some coupons.

Thursday, March 18, 2010

When I grow up...

In honor of St. Patrick’s Day I dug out the children’s magazine that I was published in back in 1991. Wow! That was 19 years ago! Jon read the story aloud and I remembered that feeling of joy and excitement when I became published. It was such a big deal at the time. Little ole me in the 4th grade; a published “author”. I was slightly embarrassed by my work because in my memory the story was much better then in reality, but ah well! This experience has reminded me that I need to continue writing…good, bad, whatever…just write! It is cathartic! My plan is to work out all the things in my brain so I can come to a place of resolution. The question I have been asking myself for a LONG time now is this, “what do I want to go when I grow up?” I am turning the big 3-0 this August and I have always thought that turning thirty was such an important milestone. I have SO much to be thankful for and I have achieved some great things. However there is a little bird always chirping in my ear that reminds me that I am not living up to my potential. I am a professional “skater”, skating my way through my professional life and it is getting old. Our careers do not define us by any means; however I would like to utilize my skills to the best of my ability. Frankly, I am not doing that right now…not professionally anyway. I want to set a good example for my Daughter so that she knows that she can do anything she dreams of in this life. Whether it be a musician, lawyer, chef, dancer…it don’t care as long as she is truly happy and living up to her true potential. Carpe Diem!

Friday, February 5, 2010


While having a delish lunch at my favorite Calypso CafĂ© I couldn’t help but eavesdrop on the conversation proceeding next to me. It wasn’t my fault, I literally had no choice; they pack you in like sardines at this joint. All I needed to hear was the magic word “BABY” and my ears honed in and perfectly adjusted their antennas. One of the ladies at the table was pregnant and from what I could gather she was about 4 or 5 months along and definitely a first timer. She threw out her baby name ideas and REESE was at the top of her list. Her friend quickly shot it down because she knows someone who has a dog named Reese and they call it “Reesy.” I was doing the best I could not to laugh out loud because OF COURSE we call our Reese, “Reesy” and as of late “Reesy-Poo.”
She continued on and was anticipating all the changes that were going to unfold once she squeezed that puppy out (my words not hers). It was less then 6 months ago that I was having these very same conversations. Everyone constantly told me to “get your sleep now!” Damn, they weren’t kidding about that. They also told Jon and I that “it’s going to be a lot of work!” Yes, that was right on as well. But one thing that no one ever said is this: You will love this little person so hard, so deeply that your heart will actually feel like it will break. It’s not like puppy love, it’s like the kind of love that will make tears pour down your face at any given moment because you are so happy, scared, excited, shocked, worried and generally just exploding with emotion.
This is what I would have loved to tell her but I am sure she would have choked on her Boca burger and that wouldn’t have been good for anybody.

Thursday, February 4, 2010

I work for Reese...

Reese loves day care. Her entire face lights up when we arrive every morning. This is why I am able to work full time. I have yet to cry when leaving her because she honestly seems so happy to be there! Sometimes I get this tiny little tingle of jealousy or doubt. “I wonder if my baby likes her day care lady better then me?” Surely this can not be, but sometimes I do wonder. Like on the weekends when Daddy is on the road working and it is just her and I; she gets this look on her face that just says to me ”I’M BORED WITH YOU MOMMY.” This look on her face is what keeps me from being a SAHM (stay at home mom). I have come to the conclusion that I have to continue working because if I don’t Reese will be super bummed out and missing out on all the good times with her friends. So, for the record, I work full time so she can socialize and keep up on the latest gossip with her friends. The apple doesn’t fall far from the tree…

Wednesday, February 3, 2010

Getting off the SMACK!

Over a year ago I picked up the book Skinny Bitch. . Honestly, I came across it in the store and the title is what caught my eye. I thought to myself..."Yes, I want to be skinny bitch!". I quickly dug into it and was blown away. This book reveals the truth about where our food really comes from. The fact is, it is an ugly truth! One of the chapters is about artificial sweeteners and how ALL OF THEM are bad and linked to cancer. Even SPLENDA my friends! So I have finally gotten onboard and used up all my diet soda's, diet yogurts, and other fake foods. Now I just need to let go of those CHEEZ-IT'S!

Tuesday, February 2, 2010

Chasing that pot of gold.

In fourth grade I wrote a story about a Leprechan chasing a pot of gold. It wasn't an assignment, I just did it for "fun". This immediatley sparked the curiosity of my parents and teachers. "She did this on her own...for fun?" They were bewildered that someone my age would take the time to do this especially because it wasn't homework. My teacher submitted the short story to Highlights Magazine. Low and behold, they published it and my story was the "centerfold" with color (if you will). From that moment on every teacher, parent and family member donned me with the future occupation of "author".
Well, here I am 20 years later taking a crack at it. With the constant(nagging)support of my husband I have finally decided to get my creative juices flowing again.
You can expect commentary on my life, the world around us (too serious...yikes!), makeup,music/entertainment, food, my super cute awesome baby and how I am learning to manage my new life as a Mom.